Don't see your Question?

  • Do you need to meet my dog first?

    Yes! We require an evaluation prior to performing any services - but don't worry, they're free! Schedule your evaluation here.

  • Do you have Children or other dogs at the residence?

    Yes, both Trainers have personal dogs and one Trainer has children living at their residence. We have practices and measures in place to take the best care of your pup while they are staying with a Kilo One Trainer.

  • Do I book first or pay first?

    Good question! We require payment in full prior to any Private Session or Group Session. To have Boarding or Board+Train dates officially locked in we give the option to put 50% down to hold your dates, and pay remaining balance the day prior to drop off.

  • Do you have any other animals living at the residence?

    Yes, one trainer has chickens living in an enclosed chicken run at the back of their property.

  • Do you require vaccinations?

    Yes, we require:

    • Bordetella (kennel cough)
    • Rabies
    • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)

    For Board+Train and Boarding clients we have a Intake Packet we also have you digitally fill out prior to drop off.

  • Where can I read your refund policies?

    You can read our refund policies here.

  • Do you have an emergency plan in place?

    Yes, both trainers have a K9 First Aid Kit at their residence for first aid or minor injuries. In the event of an emergency, dogs will be taken to Carpenter-Pope Veterinary Hospital (during hours) and after hours Bay Beach Veterinary Emergency. You will be notified immediately in the event of any incident.

  • What age do you guys start training dogs?

    We perfer to train dogs between the ages of 7-12 months. If you are interested in starting sooner - we can always schedule a free evaluation and discuss goals!

  • Do you guys track my dogs routine during their stay?

    Yes! We have a daily routine tracker and we note your entire dogs day there. Digital copies are available upon request.

  • Do you guys accept dogs that are not Kennel Trained or House Trained?

    We do not accept dogs that are not kennel trained or house trained UNLESS specified in a TRAINING PLAN.